
There have been about four months between now and when the United States Supreme Court first declared a national, constitutional right for LGBT couples to marry. Since that time, there have been a number of states which have moved forward on either adopting or adopting and expanding rights to same… Read More


There are some 76 million baby boomers who are retiring or soon retiring, and, of those, about 4 million are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. While the recent United States Supreme Court just ushered-in a new era of acceptance and rights, it does little to tackle some of the challenges… Read More


Over three hundred republican lawmakers, operatives, and consultants, have filed an amicus brief, or friend of the court brief, asking the United States Supreme Court to recognize gay marriage nationwide. The brief states that lack of a nationally defined right to same sex marriage is unconstitutional because it does… Read More


The battle for equal rights for the LGBT community just took a new turn, but one that’s more about posturing than principle or progress. Back in November of this year, the United States Supreme Court was put on notice the issue of gay marriage would again be on its… Read More


By the end of November the landscape began to change for sexual equality, and even the conservative panhandle of the Sunshine State started to warm to the idea of passing legislative protections for Floridians who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. So much so, the bill was brought on the… Read More


Four judicial decisions in the past three weeks. That is the pace at which marriage equality is beginning to take hold in the state of Florida. The legal trend began just a few weeks ago and continued on through Monday when Broward Circuit Court Judge Dale Cohen struck down the… Read More


Six gay couples in the Sunshine State are seeking an overturn of the ban of same-sex marriage, arguing that said ban is unconstitutional and violates the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the United States Constitution. At the beginning of the month, the plaintiffs filed a motion which argues that… Read More